Technology & Innovation

Technology has revolutionized educational methodologies, providing various tools and online platforms that enhance pupils’ teaching and learning experience. IMS MYP offers an Apple environment, with our iMac Lab “Steve Jobbs” for learning, so students can focus on USING software tools rather than learning them.

At IMS, technology is integrated meaningfully into the class experience, in order to enhance the four components of the IB learner profile: inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, and communicators. Technology fosters skills like collaboration and creativity, assets which are extremely important for the present and future.

There are also many platforms or applications we follow, so as to support personalized education, according to individual needs and learning styles of each of our students.

Toddle is the tech platform we use at IMS to plan our curriculum, assess student learning, and streamline school-home communication. It is a teaching and learning hub.

Interactive smart boards and students’ iPads or PCs spark curiosity and make lessons more interesting through videos, virtual visits, meetings, etc.

IMS is fully equipped infrastructure-wise to help our students develop their capabilities. The school offers the above-described facilities and services:

  • Tech – Building Infrastructure: IMS constantly strives to maintain and upgrade the tech equipment and the building’s infrastructure. The building infrastructure has been upgraded recently (in the last 5 years). It includes electrical infrastructure that guarantees continuity in operation and the security of equipment and staff/students, network infrastructure with cutting-edge tech equipment for faster speeds and upgraded security, communication systems for intercom and outdoor communication, fire detection, and fire safety systems. Our internet throughput bandwidth is 600/250mbps.

  • Classrooms: Grades 3-6 are equipped with Smart Touch TVs, while Nursery-Grade 2 classrooms are equipped with laptops, interactive smartboards, projectors, and an Apple TV.

  • STEM Lab: IMS facilities include a specially equipped Tech and Science Lab with state-of-the-art equipment, including 20 personal computers and laptops, a big screen TV, network printer with Air-print capability, robotics equipment, and more.

  • Internet Access: IMS is fully equipped network-wise and has excellent Wi-Fi coverage in all educational spaces to support the device connection of students and staff. We implement parental control measures to protect the network and our students (hardware firewall, web content filtering).

  • iPad 1:1 Program: Every student from Grades 3-6 uses a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) iPad. This device is a tool in the learning process, just like a pencil, ruler, or notebook. By adopting the 1-1 iPad program, we aim to help students learn to do research online, evaluate their sources, filter the information they find, and write in their own words what they read and see. The use of the keyboard and pen also helps children develop motor skills, spelling, typing, and digital art/design skills. Students are expected to bring their iPads to school daily as part of the learning process, while following our school’s Responsible Usage Agreements (RUAs).